
Founder2be is the world's leading co-founder finding service. Think meets LinkedIn for people who love start-ups.

Meet thousands of designers, developers, sales people, marketers and more. Former and current talent from Apple, Google, etc. are all looking to start or join a startup. We are connecting co-founders around the world every day. Some of them even get into accelerators such as TechStars. Sign-up today and find a co-founder online.

Or join us and the global movement and become an ambassador for startups.

Upcoming (0)

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Past (16)

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5

Sun, Nov 23 • 3:30 PM


Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki primary image

Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki

Mon, May 26 • 6:00 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3

Sun, May 25 • 3:30 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5

Sun, Nov 23 • 3:30 PM


Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki primary image

Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki

Mon, May 26 • 6:00 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3

Sun, May 25 • 3:30 PM


Founder2be is the world's leading co-founder finding service. Think meets LinkedIn for people who love start-ups.

Meet thousands of designers, developers, sales people, marketers and more. Former and current talent from Apple, Google, etc. are all looking to start or join a startup. We are connecting co-founders around the world every day. Some of them even get into accelerators such as TechStars. Sign-up today and find a co-founder online.

Or join us and the global movement and become an ambassador for startups.


Sorry, there are no upcoming events
Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5

Sun, Nov 23 • 3:30 PM


Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki primary image

Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki

Mon, May 26 • 6:00 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3

Sun, May 25 • 3:30 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #5

Sun, Nov 23 • 3:30 PM


Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki primary image

Co-Founder Matching in Helsinki

Mon, May 26 • 6:00 PM


Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3 primary image

Find a Co-Founder in Lagos #3

Sun, May 25 • 3:30 PM
